Dec 11, 2008

National river?

Ganga is a holy river for hindus, as it is needed to take a holy deep to take away all the human sins, we refer Ganga for purity, holy,divine.

The reason been...

The Ganges river's long held reputation as a purifying river appears to have a basis in science. The river water has a unique and extraordinary ability to retain oxygen. As reported in a National Public Radio program, Dysentery and cholera are killed off, preventing large-scale epidemics. The river has unusual ability to retain dissolved oxygen, but the reason for this ability is not known.

But now the Ganges rivers has the all the dirts in the country.Hope these pictures will show you all the enough evidence of its impurity...Its the place where all the sins are washed away along with the dead bodies.The commercial exploitation of the river has risen in proportion to the rise of population. Gangotri and Uttarkashi

When the government kept the BJP's River linking project to the cold storage, just as BJP said, due to the election the present government has come with the idea to declare the GANGES as our national river.

But cant this be done after the cleaning process? Whats the hurry in declaring as the national river when the Ganges water is not clean and actually contains many harmful bacteria.Or is it a tactics to fasten the cleaning process, as a patriotic indian citizen wishing to see what happens..

Lets hope that our national river given more priority for speedy action


Iriz said...

Hi Sri.

Here in my country we also have a river toxified by growing population and undisciplined residential people surrounding the area. Seems that nature is really sufferring from human who supposed to take care of it.

So declaring it as a nat'l river is more of a question rather than a statement.

I hope your government will prioritize the life of this promising river.

It's not too late anyways.

Take care! ;)

Srinivas said...

Iriz:Is it like that in Philippines too...??

Raj said...

Nice post on the national river.
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