Feb 23, 2011

KLCC twin tower today

Photography is one of my hobbies, it was more aggravated when I came to Malaysia. Most interestingly my balcony views, it was a boon to have such a view, most of my friends and family members who visited us appreciated the fantastic panorama view of KL city from my balcony .

I was almost taking the photos of my balcony view everyday when I came newly to Malaysia, but after 4 years now I would still love to do it whenever time permits...

I have seen the twin tower in all the shades and shines, today in the morning I was quite surprised to see the Twin tower, I felt there was an extra gap between the two towers, the upper part of the taller tower was slightly away from the smaller tower in an appropriate manner which was not symmetric to my eyes...I checked with my other old photos and didn't find any conclusions...

Click the photo to enlarge and see the slight dislocation...

Maybe it's because the causal dislocation due to wind or I am seeing this view after a long gap??!! or Is it my illusion after seeing the earthquake/aftereffects in New Zealand??!! Or it is the beginning of the end in 2012??!!

Check out the Solar flare radiation to hit china...


Santosh said...

You should have put the older pics so that we can get some idea as to what extant the tower has gone inside the earth. :P

Srinivas said...

Older pics is already there in my balcony view...anyway I am not assuring it has gone inside the earth.
Btw,thanks for dropping by dude...