May 16, 2019

"Without music life will be a mistake...

Recently in my radar, the songs that inspired me and made me to hear again and again are...

Lets start from Indian modern carnatic fusion songs

T  A  M  I  L    S  O  N  G  S

H I N D I     S O N G S  

 From the movie ...Zero

E N G L I S H   S O N G S 

Discovering DAVID GUETTA the french DJ programmer, producer...his mesmerizing electronic sounds in between the beautiful music, that are more reachable with the flow and glow in the sound of music...whether he is overrated or changing his name to Jack back..or working only with hip hop stars may be his choice, but he makes the songs that are popular!!! Check this out my list of favorites songs..

Other songs...

Share your opinions about my list of songs...if you could add any.. do update in the comment session

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