Nov 25, 2013

Go Gravity!!!

Gravity - the movie that makes you still in your seat from the beginning to the end without making us to think anything are with the Sandra bullock, George Clooney in that space..wishing them to land to Earth safely!

Clooney's opening remark about it is that 'half of North America's Facebook will be down' - just before the real horror sets in and the debris rips their rig apart.

After seeing many local Tamil movies, and many item number Hindi movies, GRAVITY was a revolution for me...mind blowing visuals make you to wonder how scientific the Hollywood movies can be, whereas we in India still appreciate Love stories, Revenge movies without much thought of how creative and different the same screens can be for the same money we give...

The emotions, the dreams and the realities been narrated in such a way there isn't any astronaut suit for us but still we are floating without Gravity!!!

This space odyssey was like the movie 1989 James Cameron's  "The Abyss" movie which has the story inside the deep sea...vertically opposite but with the same effects and interesting scenes...

Two Interesting facts about this movie:

1. Rare Oscar winner(2013) without nude scenes

2.  Effective 3D gimmicks without headache

More than interesting facts this movie is a much watch in theater with kids as my 6 years old daughter was glued to this movie scene by scene with full anxiety.She really enjoyed this movie same like me...

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