Jun 4, 2018

2016- London Diary

2016 Diwali was celebrated in UK....as I started from Glasgow by early morning flight  to reached London by 7.30.  My flight to Kuala Lumpur was by 10 PM that night......so the whole day was allocated to see London...so it started from Borought Market...exploring the different types of food...

Piccadilly circus is the iconic road junction - where I could see people sitting in the steps and having fun, the magnificent bill boards were electrically shining with the advertisements and the streets are shining with people walking in all directions..While walking in the Westminster area an old lady just struck me a lovely red rose to me and immediately asked 10 pounds for it.. I gave back to her for which she was very angry and shared her alcoholic smell from her mouth..which made us to leave the place much faster by avoiding her....I saw the place where Ms. Therasa May would be officially available for discussion.   I wondered the well dressed guards in that place and took pictures with them..more followed with the guards in household cavalry museum...were I saw a length demonstration / rally for promoting vegan lifestyle...placards showing the cruelty against animals... 

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